Gary Lineker & Jürgen Klinsmann React to Diego Maradona's 'The Goal of the Century'

Watch – Gary Lineker & Jürgen Klinsmann React to Diego Maradona’s ‘The Goal of the Century’

in 1994 FIFA World Cup USA

Sporati on FIFA World Cup 1994’s video summary and description

A goal that will leave you speechless to this day Gary Lineker & Jürgen Klinsmann react to Diego Maradona’s ‘The Goal of …

Video information

This FIFA World Cup 1994’s video is titled Gary Lineker & Jürgen Klinsmann React to Diego Maradona’s ‘The Goal of the Century’ and credited to FIFA. Viewing time is 00:02:27, enjoy our fellow FIFA World Cup fans!


  1. I counted 7 players that he went by before he gets to the keeper and scores. I can still see this play very vividly. I was watching it with my dad. It was a few minutes after the hand of goal. I remember my dad and I being just stunned and him saying “with that guy inspired like that there is no way they will not become world champions this year” … prophetic.

  2. There is absolutely no way any living human could foresee exactly where the ball would bubble on the uneven pitch. The technical skills Maradona had was simply beyond what ever had been seen before or since. Nobody could run that fluintly with that pace on uneven surface like that and yet having the ball stuck on his feet. Simply impossible. The initial dribble combination when slips past 3 players in one fluint movement is something you can’t train specifically for. The exact same situation probably never appeared before or since. To string those movements together without hesitation, with no pause or indesiveness is pure magic. Doing a la croqueta or any other specific dribble is on the other hand something you can train and train and train over and over againto perfection. Michael Laudrup did that to perfection. But what Maradona constantly did was to string dribbles, even never heard of before dribbles into fluint combos only working in specific situations. Going on from there, he ‘passes’/chips the ball to himself to alude any imperfections on the pitch and the balls lies dead flat on pitch with millimeters precision right in the center between the next 2-3 defenders he is taking on. That allows him to pick up speed and accelerate into the final run against the goal. To dribble it the rest of the way the english goal is pure routine for Maradona despite the before mentioned pitch uneveness and random bubbling of the ball. The goal is not only the best WC goal ever scored. It is in fact the best ever scored in any match throughout history by the best player troughout history.

  3. The legend has it: "Gary told a German footballer, he saw a video tape of his dad (Dated around Feb 1960) moments before he went to bedroom to create a mighty offspring who would later score 6 goals at a certain WC. He said daddy had a rubber-package in his hand not knowing he should use it or not. He said he had hard time deciding… Gary being such philosophical as he is, thought: "WoW, ?if Daddy had opened that package, Argies would have won 2-0, instead of 2-1!" That is deep!?

  4. Er war der größte aller Zeiten, nicht im Ansatz kommt einer an ihn heran. Kein Messi, kein Ronaldo, Diego Armando Maradona das Tor des Jahrtausends

  5. It’s so strange how similar messi and maradona are, both small Argentinians with mythical talent and a godly left foot, and both scoring this goal. Of course maradonas was against a better team under better circumstances but both dribbling past players from the half way line, rounding the keeper and finishing it off. It’s like a spirit from Argentina enters someone every generation and creates a godly footballing figure. Beautiful.

  6. Nobody talks about the unfair elimination for England. But what I would like to see was palyers such as these talking about the World Cup of 1978 bought by Argentina with João Havelange's help!

  7. I was a little boy when i watched this goal and now im a middle aged man it still gives me the same emotions, it was the first time i felt Football crossed over to Art

  8. I mean the deffence looked atrocious, #16 #20 and that other dude at the beggining on the top, they didn't even TRY to run a little bit.

  9. If you look very closely at this goal, there are very subtle movements Maradona does against Terry Butcher and Terry Fenwick which confuses them both as to which way Maradona was going to go. Butcher thought Maradona was going to Butcher;s left hence he turned the wrong way, and Maradona started going to Fenwick's right confusing him before going to his left. And of course the feign against Shilton sending him the wrong way. The goal wasn't Maradona just running past the English players in straight lines, but there were very subtle and genius movements done by Maradona which sent English players the wrong way/confused them, allowing him to score that unbelievable goal

  10. I remember the 1986 World Cup and Maradona dragged that team to the trophy. I doubt if Messi, Ronaldo, Pele (great skills though they had) could have done that. Only two players have ever had me on the edge of my seat. One was George Best and the other was Maradona. When they had the ball you just knew something magical was going to happen. Unfortunately, Best never had a decent international team around him so never had the world stage for his talent.

  11. Maradona hace tres momentos estelares en este gol que además armonizan en un todo. El arranque por un lado, no solo deja atrás a los ingleses que lo marcan, ahí desarma la defensa, después vienen cuatro toque si uno lo ve en cámara lenta avanzando a toda velocidad dónde acomoda el cuerpo en prácticamente 5-6 metros, algo imposible para cualquier jugador hoy y por último la definición donde capta todo el ambiente, la atmósfera el clima del contexto, su ambición y el objetivo del grupo y muestra el camino de determinación de marcar el gol. Todos sus compañeros están en posición, son parte del gol, sabe dónde están. Este es el momento en que Diego se sube al Olimpo solo, sin nadie que lo acompañe pero a la vez lo estamos llevando todos. Y vaya el momento y el rival que eligió.

  12. Gary nailed it: "I think this is the greatest goal that has ever been scored!" I am having hard time believing someone should out do that. EVER! THAT goal is going to stand next to the pyramids some 5000 years from now. Well, It is unmatched for sure.

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