Andrea Bocelli launches EURO 2020!

Watch – Andrea Bocelli launches EURO 2020!

in Euro 2020

Sporati on UEFA Euro 2022’s video summary and description

Watch Andrea Bocelli’s rousing performance at the opening ceremony of EURO 2020 at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome. — Watch More: Learn More: …

Video information

This UEFA Euro 2022’s video is titled Andrea Bocelli launches EURO 2020! and credited to UEFA. Viewing time is 00:11:47, enjoy our fellow UEFA Euro 2020 fans!


  1. Speriamo che questi campionati europei di calcio gli vinca l'Inghilterra, se lo merita e glielo auguro con tutto il cuore. A seguire sul podio metterei in ordine alfabetico il Belgio, Francia, Germania, Portogallo e Spagna.
    Forza Inghilterra metticela tutta e vai alla grande. DAI ??

  2. Leggo solo commenti in lingua straniera, dai toni deduco che siano tutti positivi o quasi…ma noi italiani non apprezziamo? Non commentiamo? Perché? Andrea Bocelli è un grandissimo! Orgoglioso di essere Italiano!!!Forza Azzurri!!!

  3. And what will we see in 2024? Surely some Bavarians in silly lederhosen and funny hats on their heads again, performing stupid dances, slapping themselves on the thighs and swinging gigantic cowbells between their legs? Please DON'T!
    This Bavarian folklore is so silly and embarrassing for Germany.

  4. Wow, this was just wonderful! I especially loved the flying drummers. Can you imagine how thrilled they must have been, not just to participate in the opening ceremony but to fly above it all? What a view that must have been!

  5. Everyone that's played on the pitch is professional and I've seen some amazing teams and goals, but Italy as a team are so impressive. Omg brilliant all round so far and what a great diversion from Covid . I love football . Love and peace to all

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