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Matches & Results - page 3

FIFA World Cup matches & results

Matcho & Result: Ghana vs Germany (23 Jun 2010)

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Match & Result: Ghana vs Germany (23 Jun 2010)Winner: Germany
Score: Ghana(0) vs Germany(1)
60′ Mesut OEZIL (Germany)


Germany needed this win and they started strong and ended strong. They continued to setup play aggressively as Podolksi was phenomenal working with Cacau attacking the goal.

Ghana was strong on defense denying attacks, launching counter attacks, and their goalkeeper made phenomenal saves throughout the game.

Germany’s relentless play paid off on the 60th minute when Oezil scored the only goal of the game.

Key Takeaway

This German team didn’t want to go down in history as the first team to fail in the group stage. They played strong early on and it paid well.

This was a great game to watch.

You can view all game videos here — Videos: Ghana vs Germany (23 Jun 2010)

The latest group standing is found here — Latest FIFA World Cup Standing as of 23 Jun 2010


FIFA World Cup Shopping – Ghana

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Ghana, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

FIFA World Cup Shopping – Germany

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Germany, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Matcho & Result: USA vs Algeria (23 Jun 2010)

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Match & Result: USA vs Algeria (23 Jun 2010)Winner: USA
Score: USA(1) vs Algeria(0)
90′ + 1 DONOVAN (USA)


That was a very tough game to watch where USA kept on coming back for the attack while Algeria held their own on defense stopping any potential goals and their goalkeeper had his moments.

When the destiny of USA was sleeping away, Donovan came up with a goal on the 90th minutes + 1 which sent the team in frenzy.

That was a well deserved win and I feel sorry for Algeria who worked their ass off until the end.

Key Takeaway

USA was in control of their destiny on this game and they did not let it pass by. This is most likely the last FIFA World Cup of Donovan or this is the peak of his career in this stage of the competition and the man did not disappoint scoring the goal for the win of USA.

You can view all game videos here — Videos: USA vs Algeria (23 Jun 2010)

The latest group standing is found here — Latest FIFA World Cup Standing as of 23 Jun 2010


FIFA World Cup Shopping – USA

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup USA, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

FIFA World Cup Shopping – Algeria

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Algeria, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Matcho & Result: Slovenia vs England (23 Jun 2010)

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Match & Result: Slovenia vs England (23 Jun 2010)Winner: England
Score: Slovenia(0) vs England(1)
23′ DEFOE (England)


From the match kick-off England was determined to move to the next round as they played with cohesion, aggressiveness I have not seen in their previous games. Whoever shoots the ball to the goal players quickly run towards the goal hoping that the goalkeeper fumbles and they get their chance to score.

England has been consistent throughout the game pushing, controlling possession, and shooting at the goal one after the other.

Key Takeaway

For the last 52 years, England has made it to the next round and this team was about to make history for failing to move to the last 16. England played like it was the championship game and they were paid off handsomely with a win.

You can view all game videos here — Videos: Slovenia vs England (23 Jun 2010)

The latest group standing is found here — Latest FIFA World Cup Standing as of 23 Jun 2010


FIFA World Cup Shopping – Slovenia

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Slovenia, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

FIFA World Cup Shopping – England

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup England, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Matcho & Result: Greece vs Argentina (22 Jun 2010)

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Match & Result: Greece vs Argentina (22 Jun 2010)Winner: Argentina
Score: Greece(0) vs Argentina(2)
89′ Palermo (Argentina)
77′ Demichelis (Argentina)


The Greece goalkeeper has been phenomenal pulling so many saves throughout the game but the barrage of shots thrown by Argentina was just too much for him that he conceded a goal towards the endo f the second half. It took Argentina 77 minutes to break Greece down.

Key Takeaway

Argentina has topped their group and they have shown how determined they are no matter how tough the defense it. Greece held their own who didn’t look like they wanted a goal but played the game defensively just waiting for a counter attack break to happen.

In the end, Argentina was just too much for Greece and the goalkeeper. It was a great game overall.

You can view all game videos here — Videos: Greece vs Argentina (22 Jun 2010)

The latest group standing is found here — Latest FIFA World Cup Standing as of 22 Jun 2010


FIFA World Cup Shopping – Greece

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Greece, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

FIFA World Cup Shopping – Argentina

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Argentina, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Matcho & Result: Nigeria vs Korea Republic (22 Jun 2010)

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Match & Result: Nigeria vs Korea Republic (22 Jun 2010)Winner: Draw
Score: Nigeria(2) vs Korea Republic(2)
69′ Pen (Nigeria)
49′ ChuYoung (Korea Republic)
38′ Jungsoo (Korea Republic)
12′ UCHE (Nigeria)


This was a tight and well fought game between Korea Republic and Nigeria. Both played well on defense, attacked aggressively and both scored a goal.

Nigeria first led before Korea Republic tied the game. Korea Republic then went ahead and scored another goal but Nigeria didn’t let up and tied the game anew.

Key Takeaway

It was a good game for Nigeria who had their last chance of moving to the next round had they beaten Korea Republic while Korea Republic only needed a draw but played to win.

You can view all game videos here — Videos: Nigeria vs Korea Republic (22 Jun 2010)

The latest group standing is found here — Latest FIFA World Cup Standing as of 22 Jun 2010


FIFA World Cup Shopping – Nigeria

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Nigeria, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

FIFA World Cup Shopping – Korea Republic

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Korea Republic, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Matcho & Result: Mexico vs Uruguay (22 Jun 2010)

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Match & Result: Mexico vs Uruguay (22 Jun 2010)Winner: Uruguay
Score: Mexico(0) vs Uruguay(1)
43′ URUGUAY SCORES via Suarez


It was an equal match where both team played extremely well. Mexico was their usual self of attacking and setting up plays. Uruguay was tough on defense and had good counterattacks.

Uruguay got one in and that was enough to win the game.

Key Takeaway

It was a good game and even if Mexico lost this game, they are moving to the next round by their superior goal against South Africa.

Congratulations to both these teams.

You can view all game videos here — Videos: Mexico vs Uruguay (22 Jun 2010)

The latest group standing is found here — Latest FIFA World Cup Standing as of 22 Jun 2010


FIFA World Cup Shopping – Mexico

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Mexico, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

FIFA World Cup Shopping – Uruguay

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Uruguay, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Matcho & Result: France vs South Africa (22 Jun 2010)

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Match & Result: France vs South Africa (22 Jun 2010)Winner: South Africa
Score: France(1) vs South Africa(2)
70′ Malouda (France)
37′ Mphela (South Africa)
20′ Khumalo (South Africa)


This game showed a lot of promise early on but on the 20th minute the crowd went wild as South Africa did the unthinkable and score ahead of France.

On the 25th minute France got a red card and South Africa seems to have a miracle game. Before the first half ended, South Africa was able to capitalize on their short handed opponent as they scored another goal on the 37th minute.

South Africa clearly outplayed France and MPhela just went loose running plays and attacking France.

France was able to score a goal but that was their last highlight of the game.

Key Takeaway

France had a humiliating FIFA World Cup and while both of them and South Africa are not moving to the next round, South Africa made their people proud.

You can view all game videos here — Videos: France vs South Africa (22 Jun 2010)

The latest group standing is found here — Latest FIFA World Cup Standing as of 22 Jun 2010


FIFA World Cup Shopping – France

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup France, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

FIFA World Cup Shopping – South Africa

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup South Africa, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Matcho & Result: Spain vs Honduras (21 Jun 2010)

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Winner: [to be updated after game]
Score: Spain(0) vs Honduras(0)
[00′ Scorer, to be updated after game]


Key Takeaway

You can view all game videos here — Videos: Spain vs Honduras (21 Jun 2010)

The latest group standing is found here — Latest FIFA World Cup Standing as of 21 Jun 2010


FIFA World Cup Shopping – Spain

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Spain, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

FIFA World Cup Shopping – Honduras

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Honduras, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Matcho & Result: Chile vs Switzerland (21 Jun 2010)

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Match & Result: Chile vs Switzerland (21 Jun 2010)Winner: Chile
Score: Chile(1) vs Switzerland(0)
75′ Mark Gonzalez (Chile)


This was a boring game to start with but things quickly changed on the second half especially when Switzerland became short handed with Behrami and Chile began pounding their to victory.

It became very physical with altercations, nine yellow cards and the red card Switzerland was booked on.

Key Takeaway

This was a tough game and Chile badly wanted to win and it showed the way they played all the way to the end. Chile made their win interesting for Switzerland and Spain. Spain is going to look to winning and scoring a lot of goals.

You can view all game videos here — Videos: Chile vs Switzerland (21 Jun 2010)


FIFA World Cup Shopping – Chile

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Chile, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

FIFA World Cup Shopping – Switzerland

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Switzerland, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

Matcho & Result: Portugal vs Korea DPR (21 Jun 2010)

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Match & Result: Portugal vs Korea DPR (21 Jun 2010)Winner: [to be updated after game]
Score: Portugal(7) vs Korea DPR(0)

87′ Ronaldo (Portugal)
81′ Liedson (Portugal)
60′ 89′ Tiago (Portugal)
56′ H. Almeida (Portugal)
53′ Simao (Portugal)
29′ R. Meireles (Portugal)


This was a devastating loss by Korea DPR from Portugal.

Korea DPR looked happy on the first 28 minutes as they were able to hold their own on defense and Portugal had a hard time shooting on goal. Things changed on the 29th minute when Portugal saw and opportunity on streaking Raul Meireles who shot one to the goal.

Korea DPR didn’t attack and hold on to the ball as Portugal did. They were simply outplayed. But to give these guys credit, they didn’t allow Portugal to score a number of goals.

Korea DPR goalkeeper didn’t show top play as a long shot of Ronaldo that was low and didn’t have power and spin was fumbled, and when the ball was rolling, the goalkeeper got it but fumbled again.

Portugal was taking any chances during defense as they had all ten players creating a wall during free kicks by Korea. This shows Portugal was very careful after they scored that goal. They cannot afford Korea sneaking in a goal.

On the 53rd minute things changed as Portugal made a barrage of scores from Simao, Almeida, Tiago, Liedson, & Ronaldo giving Portugal their biggest win in FIFA World Cup on 7 goals to none.

Portugal destroyed Korea DPR’s defense and the goalkeeper just didn’t have moves and heart to pull the stops.

Key Takeaway

Portugal went into the game knowing they needed to win and score more goals than 1 to make sure they were ahead on goal count. They didn’t only score 1 goal but had 7 goals to one. It was a blowout and one of the biggest wins in FIFA World Cup 2010.

Congratulations to Portugal!

You can view all game videos here — Videos: Portugal vs Korea DPR (21 Jun 2010)


FIFA World Cup Shopping – Portugal

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Portugal, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

FIFA World Cup Shopping – Korea DPR

[phpbay]FIFA World Cup Korea DPR, 5, “”, “”[/phpbay]

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