KYLIAN MBAPPÉ: Every Champions League GOAL!

Watch – KYLIAN MBAPPÉ: Every Champions League GOAL!

in 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia

Sporati on FIFA World Cup 2018’s video summary and description

Kylian Mbappé, winner of the FIFA World Cup 2018 Best Young Player award, is one of the hottest forwards in Europe. Ahead of …

Video information

This FIFA World Cup 2018’s video is titled KYLIAN MBAPPÉ: Every Champions League GOAL! and credited to UEFA. Viewing time is 00:04:24, enjoy our fellow FIFA World Cup fans!


  1. Esse Mbappe é superestimado e muita gente já sacou isso. O cara não constrói jogada, é muito gol de baixo das traves, com os caras carregando ele nas costas. Fora que perde gol pra caramba tbm.

  2. Those kids right now who score one goal and you call them legends of future tell them that mbappé did that 2 years ago and won the wc as a 19 yo boy and he was the star of the frensh team

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