Date Played: June 11, 2006 (Group Stage)
Angola: 0 Portugal: 1
Not the kind of ending I eexpect. The only goal cae at the 4th minute mark and Portugal wins 1-0.
68′ Pedro Mantorras (ANG) wins a free kcik.
Second half begins wih Portugal still holding on the first half goal.
First half ended .
42′ Paulo Figueiredo (ANG) wins a free kick off Petit’s fould
41′ Foul committed by Macanga (ANG) and Ronaldo wins a free kick.
Very good Angola . You are only down by 1 going into half-time.
39′ Figo wins a free kick.
36′ Another free kick for Ronaldo via Delgado’s foul.
35′ Christian Ronaldo (Portugal) hits the bar with a header .
31′ Ronaldo receives a foul again and Delgado (ANG) wins a free kick.
30′ Fabrice Akwa right footed shot from long rage missed .
Angola’s play is improving as time goes by. Just hope it is enough to get that goal for the tie.
29′ OhRonaldo missed a right footed shot.
28′ Fould by Jamba (ANG) and Ronaldo wins a free kick.
26′ Yellow card for Christian Ronaldo’s bad foul.
26′ Ronaldo foul and Andre Macanga (ANG) wins a free kick.
26′ An another miss by Angola — Paulo Figueiredo.
25′ Fabrice Akwa(Angola) missed.
24′ Mateus (Angola) missed.
24′ Fabrica Akwa (Angola)0 right footed shot from the outside box is blocked.
23′ Fould by Petit (Portugal).
Nothing much to expect from Angola though .
Ronaldo and Figo is playing beautiful music together. With both of them in the field the are keeping possession of the ball much longer.
Angola is holding on . But how long?
21′ Ronaldo wins a free kick.
20′ Simao wins a free kick and Luis Delgado is charged with a foul.
Too boring. Can’t Portugal get it’s second goal .
19′ Fernando Meira wins a free kick.
17′ Foul by Antionio Mendonca (ANG) and Christian Ronaldo wins a free kick.
15′ Joao Ricardo is injured
13′ Fouled by Paulo Figueiredo.
Luis Figo wins a free kick .
12′ Joao Jamba commits a foul.
11′ Christian Ronaldo needs to score to up his value especially when people are lookin at him.
9′ Five minutes have passed since the first goal and just possession exchanges ensues.
I am very interested in how many goals Portugal is going to score in this game. Not really on Angola getting a win.
4′ Boom… GoalJust on the 4th minute of the game and Portugal already scored a goal. Pauleta left footed shot from the center box.
Kickoff .
5 minutes to go .
31 minutes before the game starts .
Angola is one of the weakest teams qualifying in the World Cup and it would be interesting to see how Portugal would win this game .
Liveblogging: The Angola – Portugal match
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[tags]FIFA World Cup, World Cup, FIFA World Cup 2006, Germany, Angola, Portugal, Liveblog[/tags]