TEAM NEWS!  Predict the outcome in 3 words 


UEFA – TEAM NEWS! Predict the outcome in 3 words …

in Champions League

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? TEAM NEWS! ? Predict the outcome in 3 words ???


UEFA Champions League 2020’s Instagram post information

UEFA’s social media post titled TEAM NEWS! Predict the outcome in 3 words

is credited to UEFA Champions League on instagram account championsleague and currently has 577854 likes as of posting.

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    The Colombian government decided to present a Tax Reform in the middle of a pandemic, this implies raising taxes affecting thousands of Colombians (especially middle and lower class) as the costs of their basic needs would be very high.
    Thousands of Colombians went out to demonstrate against this and they are being KILLED for exercising their constitutional rights. They are not allowed to march or protest, they are repressed and they cannot refute the corruption of the government. They are practically in a civil battle
    ??? The ESMAD has the order to attack the protesting citizens with everything. There are multiple cases of abuse of authority against human rights defenders, elderly, children, ALL. There are not enough shelters, doctors or defense teams for citizens.
    #physiciansforhumanrights #globalrights
    #humanrights #SOS #Colombia #soscolombia #ColombiaAlertaRoja #ParoNacional #UribeDioLaOrden #duqueparelamasacre #DuqueRenuncie #NosEstánMatando

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