FIFA World Cup 2022 Qualifiers: Oman Vs India Tactical Preview | #AFGIND Review

Watch – FIFA World Cup 2022 Qualifiers: Oman Vs India Tactical Preview | #AFGIND Review

in 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar

Sporati on FIFA World Cup 2022’s video summary and description

India Vs Afghanistan Analysis: Blue Tigers shed tactics to salvage draw India and Afghanistan played out a 1-1 draw at the Central Republican Stadium in …

Video information

This FIFA World Cup 2022’s video is titled FIFA World Cup 2022 Qualifiers: Oman Vs India Tactical Preview | #AFGIND Review and credited to Khel Now TV. Viewing time is 00:19:29, enjoy our fellow FIFA World Cup fans!


  1. First part of the video is about Afghanistan Vs India including stats like Dribbles, tackles won, most frequent passes combination.

    Second part of the video from 9:12 is about Oman Vs India match.

  2. Bhai why Rowlin is not playing?….He will not be playing next match?
    I believe
    why nobody is trying this combination…..any reasons behind that?

  3. sahal was pushed ahead and chetri dropped back…it was part of tactics by allowing sahal to get traped in the heavy marking to free chetri..they were expecing sahal to do some extraordinary thing and get into the game…but that didnt happened becoz afghan players totally marked him…and physically outmuscled him….so practically chetri played the nmbr 10 ..but he couldnt match that much creative role….and about brandon he is technically superior and got a more playable deep position…tried some good passes,though balls,high balls but didnt get much support frm pranoy…who was supposed to be the destroyer…but played in a more advancing role…the fact is that brandon himself withdrwn back to get enough time on the ball…and automatically pranoy had to advance strange role for him…
    Wht we need is thapa in for pranoy…who should be restricted as CDM…eventhough he is not a destroyer his workrate and skills will do…he can play as another creative live wire…frm back so brandon didnt need to fall back and can play in advanced role…

    I would prefer this formation 4-2-3-1
    Bheke. Adil. Anas. Bose/nishu
    Thapa. Brandon.
    Udanta. Sahal. Ashiq.

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