FIFA World Cup Blog – FIFA World Cup Countries, Players, News, Videos, Social Media, Lifestyle

FIFA World Cup Blog

World Cup Blog Factory

in Uncategorized

Soccer I am crazy about football since I scored my first goal at the age of 8 in an intramural game. I was like every kid playing soccer who dream that one day they could make it to the big league. For one, I fantasized of playing in the FIFA World Cup Finals which is not likely to happen anymore.

Anyways, my craziness and love for FIFA World Cup is fulfilled through blogging which is the primary motivation for putting this site up.

My blogging goal is a three fold attach for this month of June.

1. Blog here at Sporati – I want to blog and report as many games as possible here in Sporati. I will do my best to cover all 64 games and report what is happening to them.

2. Sporati – the goal of this site is to serve as a portal to all my sports blogs and at the same time to list and blog about gears, gadgets and equipments all related to sports. And since it is the World Cup I am looking to post a lot of great content in it.

3. Soccerati – this is my player development blog via B5Media and I hope to highlight the high and lows of the soccer players during the Finals.

This seems to be an easy goal but given there are 32 countries, 64 games and over 936 players it is harder than you can imagine. Nevertheless, I will be a blog world cup factory for the next 30 days. Nothing Is Impossible!

[tags]FIFA World Cup, World Cup Germany, World Cup, Gadgets, Gears, Soccer Uniform, Soccer[/tags]

Gear Up! Football sports gear suited for you at Sporati.
Player Information at Soccerati.

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